Monday, May 12, 2008

Post-Neo sounds and something or 'nother

So last night I randomly bumped into some dude with a guitar on Nassau Ave in Brooklyn. The conversation that ensued immediately had to do with music, and I followed him into a bar to watch him play a show.

After seeing his colour pencil flyer and a few beers I came up with the idea of having some kind of mixture between an acoustic show/performance-reading one of those days in June at Fort Post-Neo. I'm sure that'd include some guitars, some noise, some readings, etc.

How's that sound for people? From what I know some people aren't into the guy on a stool with the acoustic deal.

Some people that I could think of that would possibly want to do something: - Jesse from Brooklyn - Aaron Howard ( from Brooklyn - Stephanie Carlin from Long Island

& maybeotherpeoplefromaroundtownthatlikemusicorusingwordsandsoundsandpoeticsetc,etc.


Warren C. Fry said...


Sounds good to me. There are a lot of people doing less patently 'absurd' stuff in our very own back yard that would probably love an opportunity to contribute as well. As it stands now I don't know that we are officially planning days for such and such to occur. Whatever day worked out for whomever wanted to come and play we could network around that. Aaron Howard is a must! Whenever he can make it he'll certainly want to read and we could have other people easily on hand here that would fit in well; I'm thinking Shawna's spoken word, Biz Lynch on the banjo, and Tsubasa on guitar.

Anonymous said...

I've got an acoustic, a drum kit, and a circuit-bent keyboard myself (as well as a distortion box made out of a walkman); I'd love to contribute.

tomislav said...

Yeah, I also forgot to mention Ray D (the mandolin guy) and Alex Fiore who does some noise. John Koneval does musaks around town too.

Also, Robert Inhuman is in New Brunswick on August 18th.