Saturday, April 25, 2009

Anti-Mass at the 2009 Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival

See, see, documentation from the Roanoke festival continues to appear! Here is that Sunday morning's Anti-Mass ceremony, concocted and overseen by Bradley Chriss, Tomislav Butkovic, Warren Fry, and Sara Adrian. Benedictions are granted to Aaron Bensen, John M. Bennett, Olchar Lindsann, Ralph Eaton, Julian Mathews, and Jim Leftwich.

Soon we'll put up Ralph's reading of the Bible Babel, which occurred several minutes after, this; then Lindsann's phonetic poem and part of Michael Peter's Vaast Bin performance, and that's everything we've got from Roanoke.

Also within a few days--official info on the upcoming re-re-convening of events at the PNA Oromancer space here in New Jersey, with Rick Weaver up from Baltimore and a slew of other Post-Neo friends from NJ and NY.

1 comment:

A K said...

spectacular. i wish i could have been there with you to celebrate. no doubt i would have been exorcised and thrown a couple of convulsions. this video really made my sunday morning complete. xx