The show's kicking off THIS SATURDAY, FEB. 23rd, with artistic interventions by LENNY COREA (New Brunswick, NJ), BRADLEY CHRISS (Washington, D.C.), and JAMIE BRUNO (New Brunwick). These three miscreants have been plotting together and we can only dread the results--
AT 8:00 PM, Brad will be up from Washington to perform work from his new book, 'hermaphrodite.'; AAANNNDDD, whomever's there will caress and mangle a set of poems by the legendary John M. Bennett (especially appropriate since the gallery shares the name of his seminal journal, The Lost & Found Times). Jamie won't be able to attend to attend in person, but her presence will be felt, as we send her periodic updates on the progress of the evening and she calls in to read us some Bennett via cell phone!
For those of you not able to attend in person, NEVER FEAR: there will be a video camera and Tsubasa (and maybe others) will be taking a ton of photos, so the show and performances will both be copiously documented here on the blog.
Each week (taking next weekend off), a new group of artists will move in and rearrange everything, with a series of performances, readings, plays, films, etc etc unfolding alongside. Next weekend we will all be busy with the hellish extravaganza BOSCH ON ICE, a Brute Salon / Aesthletics triptych of fiendish absurdity organized by the indefatigable Tom Russotti which will take place on 1 March. We'll keep you posted as plans as unroll, and lay down documentation in their wake.
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