Sunday, February 17, 2008

Historical Influences Night/s?

An idea Warren and I just had for the festival--an evening/afternoon/whatever of performing/reading/ passing around/etc. work that has influenced ours--in my case for instance this might be Dada, Fluxus, Lettrist, stuff, for other people it would be other things which I might not really know much about, or haven't thought of in a productive way, and ought to. We could do one sometime during the month, or could do a smaller one each weekend, etc... Any thoughts? Ways to improve the idea? Scrap it?


Warren C. Fry said...

We could do mini-influence readings at the beginning of larger events. Sort of influence-shorts and call them part of a larger series. They could be videoed and then compiled later as an influence-performance-archive. An anti-historical subtext to the larger thrust of events. This might work as an alternative to doing a single night of influence-stuff if that becomes to cumbersome or we end up with tons of other fantastic stuff to do.


tomislav said...


Its a great idea, but I say mini-nights.

Though, I wouldn't know what to read. Haha.

SpudnikPress said...

I think this is a great great idea. It is always good to contextualize the present with the past. At least in my humbile opinion.

Luc Fierens said...

good idea !
check my links on mail-art,visual poetry etc