Sunday, February 17, 2008

LED project with Reid Bingham

Hey everyone,

Reid Bingham, a local New Brunswick guru of all things circuit bent, has 25 small LED displays that he rounded up when Best Buy was doing some sort of promotion. They are small wallet sized little jobbers that can display up to five, 256 character displays at different speeds in red LEDs. He's proposing that people involved in the festival send him poems, 256 character in length, to be read upside down or horizontally. He'll then program them into the displays and visitors to the festival can then "paint/decorate/mutilate" them during the festival! Electronic-Hand-Held-Visual-Poems...who knew?!

Take that Jenny Holzer!


Olchar E. Lindsann said...

Should we say that people can leave their LED-poems as comments here? This would also be a good way for people who can't be here in person to make their presence felt.

jj said...

ask reid and let us know ;)