Basically, most of the action will fall on the five weekends in June (May 30-June 1, the 6-8th, the 13-15h, the 20th-21st, and the 27-29th), if for no other reason than that Warren and I, at the least, will be working full-time during the week, as will most of you, probably. You're more than welcome to stay during the week, especially those of you able to take part in more than weekend, but it will probably be more or less down-time. The first weekend we will be moving into the house that will be festival headquarters; Warren has suggested a Fluxus-style 'Moving Event' for the opening volley of the shebang...
So anyone who wants to come can let us know when during the month you can take part, and then work with us and the other people who will be there at the time on what you'd like to do; hopefully this will make the planning flexible and relatively simple. We'll keep you updated about the schedule as it develops via the blog, everyone can post on here what dates you plan on being here, or the weekends available if you have a choice--there's a good chance that most of us might be able to converge on a couple of weekends, so that everyone can meet/reunite/work with as many others as possible. I'd encourage anyone who's able, to try to make it out while the international people are here, since it will be an especially rare opportunity for us all to meet face-to-face.
A number of people have told us that they definitely plan to attend, though of course no precise dates yet; Great Britain, Ohio, Washington, New York, Baltimore, Chicago, and obviously New Jersey should all be represented at the very least. If you definitely plan at least to try to come, let us know and we can at least start posting who is planning on taking part in person.
Should mention too we'll be sending out invites to be blog contributors over the next week or so, if you'd like to post anything before then, email us and we can send you an invite asap.
Over the next few days we'll be adding links, more info, some work (look out tomorrow for a new toy by Chi-Kit Kwong, hopefully), etc. We're working full time (or school in Tom's case), trying to arrange shows this spring, and trying to get a mOnocle-Lash webpage up in the next week or so so it's mighty busy here in New Jersey! Sorry to the 40 or so of you who've sent emails I need to respond to, I'm getting through it---
Anti-Cheers, Olchar
Ellie, Amy and I are planning on arriving on Thursday the 5th and returning to Blighty on the 19th, meaning we'll be there for two whole weeks of making and merriment. These dates are only provisional right now (mainly 'cause I still need to find funds for my tickets and passport) but feel free to lightly pencil them onto your anti-calendar.
Brilliant brilliant brilliant! There are a number of other people from the UK who've said they plan to do everything possible to attend, hopefully they (and the Americans too!) will post that on here so we can all try to coordinate our visits to whatever extent that's possible for everyone...
can't fucking wait, my dear fellow, it's been too long!
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