Thursday, June 19, 2008

chromatic transmission dlog update5

HRR are yeee dlog5 updates from last strdy w/ a-l-a-n- -r-e-e-d.

i'm pretty sure tsubasa took a few of these. four britan natives are currently on go-'rounds here and as much as i know did some performance in underground dwellings last night with loud loud loud rolling stock. I wonder how that went. BE HERE NEXT SATURDAY for WHOKNOWSWHAT¿ Who wants to put something together for saturday? Reid? Devin? Lukharna? Monty?








take every dries.jpeg


generalsawaitingthewar.jpeg in the correspondence executive office quarters

There should be more soon, but I believe its being held captive by a DV tape that just refuses to let the data come off of the magnetic tape. The tapehead and the tape had a huge argument about it the other day. I could hear them while I was looking... or was that just the water. Anyway, the tape heads had it out for the magnetic tape, but was charging so it really couldn't do anything about it. Subsequently, I don't think that the tape head was very aware that by kicking the shit out of the miniDV tape, he'd lose all of his dada to read anyway. Consumer camera these days!

I also came across an article by Warren in the Brooklyn Rail about Courtlandtland/We are the Seahorses if anyone wants to check it out. Reminds me that I don't go to shows enough. Curses Steve!; Haha. [ ]

1 comment:

oilcan press said...